


A Holistic Comparison between Han-Fei-Tzu and Western Human Resource Management Thoughts




徐木蘭(Mu-Lan Hsu);張國偉(Kuo-Wei Chang);林建江(Chien-Chiang Lin);安寶儀(Bao-Yi Ann)


韓非子 ; 人力資源管理 ; 內容分析法 ; 中國式管理 ; Han-Fei-Tzu ; Human Resource Management HRM ; Content Analysis ; Chinese Management Though




26卷2期(2009 / 04 / 01)


167 - 188




《韓非子》的學說師承儒家,融合道家智慧,而以法家為本位,被譽為中國古代最完整、最重要之政治學典籍;《韓非子》一書文勢雄偉峻峭、詞章華美酣暢,是先秦四大散文巨著之一。然而對於《韓非子》的研究大多見於政治、哲學、文學、歷史及語言等領域,在企業經營管理方面的探討並不多見,大多侷限於規範性的討論,且缺乏以現代社會科學方法為基礎的嚴謹論述。故本研究利用內容分析法,從現代人力資源管理的觀點建構《韓非子》分析類目,以深入剖析《韓非子》思想,並與西方現代人力資源管理理論的內涵進行比較。 研究結果發現《韓非子》的內容相當強調「激勵與獎懲」、「領導」、「任用」與「工作分析與設計」;然而,在現代人力資源管理中佔有相當分量的「訓練與發展」、「績效考核」、「福利」與「工作條件」等議題則著墨較少,可見《韓非子》思想內容在當代人力資源管理實務上的應用仍有其侷限性。然而,本研究結果將有助於當代管理學者,對《韓非子》思想體系中有關人力資源管理的架構內容有全盤性的了解。


The trend of learning managerial wisdom from Chinese ancient books is now growing and spreading out. Especially, the Han-Fei-Tzu written around 250 B.C. is the one that mostly be studied by Chinese and foreign scholars. But the research method which these scholars applied is more based on a humanistic approach, not a social science oriented research approach, so that the study results are authors’ subjective interpretation which can not be compared with the Western management thought scientifically. This exploratory study utilized content analysis, which is more objective and systematic qualitative method in social science research, to analyze the Chinese managerial thought consisted in the Han-Fei-Tzu. Based on the structures of theories in modern Western human resource management (HRM), this study developed several categories to classify the content related to management thought of this ancient book into the suitable categories. This method helped us transform the ancestors' managerial thought into understandable modern managerial language, so that we could know the meaning of them from the modern viewpoint. This effort will foster the evolution of academic studies in Chinese management field and in cross-cultural comparative management field. From the perspective and the structure of modern human resource management theories, it interpreted the managerial thought consisted in this Chinese ancient book. From the perspective of same referent structures, it compared the Chinese ancestors' managerial thought with Western human resource management thought. Finally, the exploratory study would be integrated to construct the Chinese perspective of management thoughts.

主题分类 社會科學 > 管理學
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