


Time-Place Context, Technology Sense-making, and Work Practice: A Study on Communities of Practice of Cabby




侯勝宗(Sheng-Tsung Hou);吳思華(Se-Hwa Wu)


時空情境 ; 在地知識 ; 科技意會 ; 工作實務 ; 科技採納 ; 衛星派遣系統 ; 計程車 ; Time-Space Context ; Technology Sense-Making ; Work Practice ; Technology Adoption ; Global Positioning System ; Taxi




26卷3期(2009 / 04 / 01)


309 - 332






This paper investigates how people's local knowledge drawn from temporal and spatial context may affect how they make sense out of technology and the subsequent adoption patterns. The literatures on technology sensemaking and technology structuration perspective have explored how people’s cognitive processes and social enactment may affect the adoption of new technologies. It helps us examine how situational context may trigger how the user interprets, and gives meaning to, a new technology. However, further research is needed to investigate the process of ongoing sense-making toward a technology that is familiar to them. This omission may impede our understanding of technology deployment over a long period of time, as experience users may perceive and appropriate technology in a very different manner than those of novice users. This study addresses this issue and examines the adoption of a technology that has been institutionalized into users’ work practices. Particularly, it analyzes how users make sense from their time-space contexts which then affect their work practices. This analysis is anchored in the six cabbies' adoption experience of iCall, which is a GPS (Global Positioning Systems) enabled vehicle dispatching system, implemented by Taiwan High-tech Taxi. This research provides an alternative way of technology sensemaking to understand multiple patterns of technology deployment. Theoretical and practical implications on technology sensemaking and the roles of time and space in technology adoption are discussed.

主题分类 社會科學 > 管理學
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