


The Relationship between Book-Tax Difference and Earnings Management




張敏蕾(Ming-Lei Chang);廖四郎(Szu-Lang Liao);林修平(Hsiu-Ping Lin)


財稅差異 ; 永久性差異 ; 暫時性差異 ; 盈餘管理 ; Book-Tax Difference ; Permanent Difference ; Temporary Difference ; Earnings Management




26卷4期(2009 / 08 / 01)


391 - 415






The main purpose of this article is to analyze the relationship between book-tax difference and earnings management. Different from prior research, this study organizes and analyzes the actual data of book-tax difference from listed companies' Annual Financial Reports of Market Observation Post System, and further uses book-tax difference as a proxy to discuss whether it can detect the behavior of earnings management to meet or slightly beat two earnings targets: (1) to avoid reporting an earnings decline, (2) to avoid reporting a loss. The results show that book-tax difference is incrementally useful in detecting both earnings management behaviors. Then, after dividing the book-tax difference into discretionary and non-discretionary components, it was found that discretionary book-tax difference still has incremental usefulness in detecting earnings management behaviors. Finally, when compared book-tax difference with other tax related index which prior research believed could be used to detect earnings management, it was found that the earnings management detective power of book-tax difference is superior to the discretionary.

主题分类 社會科學 > 管理學
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