


Using Patent Priority Approach to Investigate Patent Portfolio




賴奎魁(Kuei-Kuei Lai);蘇芳霈(Fang-Pei Su);郭宗賢(Tsung-Hsien Kuo)


專利家族 ; 專利優先權 ; 專利組合 ; 關鍵鏈 ; 顯著鏈 ; Patent Family ; Patent Priority ; Patent Portfolio ; Critical Chain ; Significant Chain




27卷2期(2010 / 04 / 01)


149 - 168




甚多公司擁有大量專利,然而其中只有少數公司有能力實現專利權利的價值,以創造其最大財務資本。故對於一向重視經營績效的企業而言,如何將智財資本具體為財務資本。顯然為一大經營課題。本文由公司內部的分析觀點,提出一套以專利優先為基礎的專利組合方法-專利優先權方法(Patent Priority Approach. PPA),由涉入侵權訴訟的系爭專利作為資料檢索的起始點,建立其專利家族以形成研究之資料集,藉由使用專利優先權之主張與被主張的關係。將之建構為優先權的網絡結構:繼而提出演算法,以推導出關鍵鏈、顯著鏈和核心專利候選人的篩選法則。並以一醫療器材公司為例,說明PPA概念與方法運用。整合上述演算法則,可以進行分析、評估及預測公司專利組合的良窳,進而將公司的智財資本加以體現為市場價值,提昇經營績效。研究中所提的方法與結果對於公司管理者可提供決策參考的洞見。


Many firms own a large number of patents, but just little ones can create their maximum financial capital through realizing the value of patents. Thus, how to transform the intellectual property capital into physical financial capital is an important issue of study for companies concerned with management performance. This study proposes an analysis approach, named Patent Priority Approach (PPA), based on patent priority from the company's internal viewpoint. The approach initiates the steps of data search in the disputed patent, building the dataset from its patent family members, using the relation of claiming and be claimed of the priority patents when constructing the patent priority network. Therefore presents algorithms for critical chain, significant chain and core patent candidates. We illustrated the concepts and applications of PPA with The case of a medical device firm. Integrated the aforementioned information, the company's patent portfolio strategy can be analyzed, evaluated and predicted systematically. In addition, the market value can be realized to in improve management performance. The conclusion of portfolio approaches and applications will provide insights for managers.

主题分类 社會科學 > 管理學
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