


To Study the Technological Position and Technological Role by the Structure Analysis of Network-Insurance Business Method Patents




翁順裕(Calvin S. Weng)


技術位置 ; 技術角色 ; 網絡結構 ; 社會網絡分析 ; 結構對等性 ; 專利引用 ; Technological Position ; Technological Role ; Network Structure ; Social Network Analysis ; Structural Equivalence ; Patent Citation




27卷2期(2010 / 04 / 01)


97 - 122






The position and role are essential concept of network structure. The position of actors is embedded among the structure of network, and the role of actors is presented between positions. We argue that the position is generated by the result of actors ' behavior, and the existence of position will re-shape the mode of behavior of actors. Hence, the relationship of position and role is closely connected to the two reciprocal perspectives inherent from actors' interaction, and shall be defined by each other. In contract to past literature, this paper analyzes the network structure by both position analysis and role analysis. This paper captures the definition of position and role by the concept of Anderson et al. (1998), and extents these to be as the technological embeddedness and the technological application, respectively. To exam the correlation between position and role, we use the QAP method. The result of this research found that there are 4 positions in the structure of technological network and their mutual relationship of each role have been discussed. The author also discussed some theoretical implication.

主题分类 社會科學 > 管理學
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