


The Determinants of Bank Ratings Higher Than Sovereign Ratings




黃玉麗(Yu-Li Huang);沈中華(Chung-Hua Shen)


信用評等 ; 財務比率 ; 主權上限 ; 主權評等 ; Credit Rating ; Financial Ratios ; Sovereign Ceiling ; Sovereign Credit Ratings




27卷6期(2010 / 12 / 01)


547 - 570






The aim of this study is to investigate why bank ratings may exceed sovereign ceiling. The results are as followed. First, the financial information exists significantly differences between banks ratings higher than the sovereign and bank ratings equal to or worse than the sovereign. Banks with better capital ratio, asset quality, management efficiency and larger size have a higher probability to obtain a rating higher than the sovereign. Further, a foreign ultimate owner is an important factor for banks being assigned a rating higher than the sovereign. The higher percentage of ultimate ownership is also helpful for banks to get a rating higher than the sovereign. Second, from the aspects of country characteristics, we find banks assigned a rating higher than the sovereign are from dollarized countries, emerging market economies. Besides, countries with worse macroeconomic index are more likely to have banks rating pierce the sovereign ceiling. Finally, the results show more than half of our samples with ”estimated” sovereign ratings higher than their ”actual” estimated, representing SCR underestimation exists. The countries are Argentina. Brazil. Jordan. Panama and Turkey.

主题分类 社會科學 > 管理學
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