


Strategies of Promoting On-line Applications for the NHI Underwriting: An Application of IM




張寧(Ning Chang);汪明生(Ming-Shen Wang);龔慧芳(Huey-Fang Kung);邱靖蓉(Ching-Jung Chiu)


全民健康保險 ; 互動管理 ; 名義群體技術法 ; 詮釋結構模式 ; National Health Insurance ; Interactive Management IM ; Nominal Group Technique NGT ; Interpretive Structural Modeling ISM




28卷4期(2011 / 08 / 01)


309 - 324




全民健康保險自2001年即推動以網路申報承保異動資料作業,雖經積極輔導鼓勵投保單位使用,但與理想目標仍有一段距離。互動管理(Interactive Management, IM)是處理複雜事態的有效方法,其操作程序可區分為規劃、互動與追蹤等三階段。本研究在規劃階段以深度訪談闡明問題情境;在互動階段以名義群體技術法蒐集意見,以詮釋結構模式法産生增強結構圖,産生13項有實施順序之具體策略;在追蹤階段則以此13項策略對健保局辦理申報業務之承辦人進行問卷調查,評估互動管理成果之可行性。研究成果顯示,互動階段參與者認為在13項策略中,「提供優厚獎勵辦法」、「簡化網路認證系統」、「解除投保單位網路申報安全疑慮」與「簡化登錄系統」等四項策略最為重要且應優先實施,以達成全面作業網路化。在追蹤階段的問卷受測者,則以「簡化操作系統」、「擴大網路承載量」、「辦理說明會現場認證」與「簡化認證系統」等四項策略最為可行。顯示承辦人與使用人間,對如何推廣網路承保申報的做法,存有相當的歧異。研究同時顯示,參與者對健保網路承保申報問題的了解或關心程度,在IM會議後均較會議前提高,且滿意度超乎參與者會議前的預期,證明互動會議的決策品質甚高,且能産出參與者願意接受的共識。


National Health Insurance (NHI) encouraged people to use on-line applications for the NHI affairs from 2001, but the popularity of using on-line applications for NHI affairs is barely satisfactory. Interactive Management (IM) is a system of management invented to apply to complexity. The procedure involves planning phase, workshop phase, and followup phase. In the planning phase of this study, we try to find the situations which include issues by the in-depth interview. In the workshop phase, Nominal Group Technique was used to generate ideas while Interpretive Structural Modeling (ISM) was used to structure map of enhancement structure which includes 13 strategies in sequence. In followup phase, the self-administered questionnaires were distributed to undertakers to evaluate the feasibility of results of IM.The results show that the participants in workshop phase think ”favorable incentives for on-line users,” ”simplifying the web-based authentication procedure,” ”simplifying the login system,” and ”ensuring network security” are the most important and prior strategies. On the other hand, the undertakers who fill out questionnaires at the followup phase think ”simplifying operation procedure”, ”increasing the network bandwidth”, ”holding workshops and verifying on the scene” and ”simplifying the web-based authentication procedure” should be done first. It shows that there has a gap between undertakers and user about how to promote on-line applications for the NHI. The research also shows that participants' concern and understanding of using on-line applications for NHI affairs appear significant improvement after the workshop. The satisfactions are beyond their expectation before the workshop. It proves the IM session is helpful to reach consensus with high decision quality.

主题分类 社會科學 > 管理學
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