


The Relation between Personal Factors, Personality Traits, Working Environment and Organizational Commitment of Employee after the Merger of Insurance Companies




洪介偉(Chieh-Wei Hung);洪嘉蔓(Chia-Man Hung)


合併 ; 工作環境 ; 人格特質 ; 個人因素 ; 組織承諾 ; Merger ; Working Environment ; Personality Traits ; Personal Factors ; Organizational Commitment




28卷5期(2011 / 10 / 01)


475 - 492






Using the merger of life insurance companies in Taiwan as a case and applying questionnaire survey, this study explores the impact of working environment change, personality traits and personal factors on organizational commitment after the merger. The research results show that working pressure become heavier after merger for merging and merged employees consistently. Employees of merged company feel that salary, benefit and retirement conditions become worse after the merger. The change of working environment after merger reduces employees' organizational commitment. Employees with internal-control personal trait propensity have higher organizational commitment. The male employees have higher organizational commitment than the females. The organizational commitment is lower for the employees with higher education level. With respect the merging company, the employees of merged company, under some condition of gender or age, have lower level of organizational commitment. The event of merger has significant impact on the level of organizational commitment of life insurance company's employees.

主题分类 社會科學 > 管理學
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