


The Impacts of Relation-Enhancing Efforts on RelationalOutcomes in the Life Insurance Industry - The Customer's Relational Benefit Perspective




林素綉(Su-Hsiu Lin)


顧客關係加強努力 ; 關係利益 ; 信心利益 ; 顧客滿意:顧客忠誠 ; Relation-enhancing Efforts ; Relational Benefit ; Confidence Benefit ; Satisfaction ; Loyalty




29卷3期(2012 / 06 / 01)


207 - 228






This paper examines the effects of a firm's relation-enhancing efforts on relational outcomes, and further examines the role of the customer's perceived relational benefits. An integrated model is proposed, in which measures of relation-enhancing efforts include salespeople's relational selling behavior and ethical behavior, as well as firm's relational investment activities and corporate reputation; customer's perceived relational benefits take confidence benefits; relational outcomes include customer satisfaction and loyalty. The following results are found: 1) Among a firm's relation-enhancing efforts, only salespeople's relational selling behavior has a positive and direct effect on satisfaction with salespeople, the other parties have no significant direct effect on satisfaction. But, a firm's relation-enhancing efforts do have positive indirect effects on customer satisfaction and loyalty through the customer's perceived confidence benefits. Relational selling behaviors make a strongest effect on loyalty to salespeople and corporate reputation has a strongest effect on loyalty to firm. 2) Customer satisfaction with both salespeople and the firm has an insignificant effect on loyalty to firm. Customer satisfaction with salespeople, however, does have a positive effect on both satisfaction with the firm and loyalty to salespeople, and loyalty to firm is developed through loyalty to salespeople. These results imply that the customer's perceived confidence benefits play an important indirect role and that salespeople are the key for customer loyalty to a firm. Therefore, this paper suggests that, to develop customer loyalty, life insurance firms should pay more attention to retaining their excellent salespeople and to enhancing the customer's perception of confidence benefits.

主题分类 社會科學 > 管理學
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