


Creating Something from Something: How ITRI EnactsB.B.C. Strategies to Transform the Technology Development Program




涂敏芬(Min-Fen Tu);洪世章(Shih-Chang Hung)


制度興業 ; 制度策略:策略實踐:工研院 ; 科專制度 ; Institutional Entrepreneurship ; Institutional Strategy ; Strategy-as-practice ; ITRI ; Technology Development Program




29卷3期(2012 / 06 / 01)


229 - 254






This paper draws on the perspectives of institutional entrepreneurship and strategy-as-practice to examine how actors engage with micro-level strategies to change or transform their institutional context. Empirically, we use the naturalistic inquiry approach and focus and focus on the case study of ITRI's development of Advanced Research Program during 1987-2009. Our conceptual framework is centered on the strategies of bricolage, brokerage, and communication (B.B.C.) that form a trpology to explain processes of institutional entrepreneurship.

主题分类 社會科學 > 管理學
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