


A Field Empirical Study of Different Types of Subjective Performance Feedback and Performance Improvements: The Mediating Role of Objective Performance Measures




陳玉麟(Yu-Lin Chen)


主觀性績效回饋 ; 績效改善 ; 客觀性績效衡量 ; Subjective Performance Feedback ; Performance Improvement ; Objective Performance Measures




29卷4期(2012 / 08 / 01)


399 - 419






Performance feedback is the core element of management control systems. Prior experimental and survey-based research neither focused on lower level employee behaviors following subjective performance feedback, nor provided a consensus regarding whether subjective performance feedback improves objective performance and reduces subjective performance gaps between raters and ratees in the end of the year. It is because most previous studies, when analyzing ratee (manager) behaviors, failed to differentiate the types of subjective performance feedback (positive, negative and consistent feedback), and separate performance improvements of objective measures from reducing subjective performance gaps between raters and ratees. Besides, the literature rarely considered the difference of the patterns of utilizing rewards and punishments between the West and Confucian society. Finally, previous research provided little evidence on how objective performance measures influence the relationship between subjective performance feedback and subjective performance gaps between raters and ratees.This study investigates the effects of different types of subjective performance feedback on objective performance and subjective performance gaps between raters and ratees in situations where objective performance measures determine subjective performance evaluation relating to bonuses in the end of the year. This study further examines mediating effects of objective performance measures on the relationship between different types of subjective performance feedback and subjective performance gaps between raters and rates in the end of the year. Using personnel data of manufacturing operators in Taiwan, this study provides field empirical evidence pointing to the importance of differentiating the types of subjective performance feedback and assessing the extent to which objective performance measures mediate the relationship between subjective performance feedback and subjective performance gaps between raters and rates in the end of the year. Specifically, this study finds that consistent feedback decreases not only the defective rate, but also subjective performance gaps between raters and ratees in the end of the year. Negative feedback also improves objective performance, and decreases subjective performance gaps between raters and rates in the end of the year. However, positive feedback deteriorates the defective rate and enlarges subjective performance gaps between raters and rates in the end of year. It is worth noting that the defective rate fully mediates the relationship between positive feedback and subjective performance gaps between raters and rates in the end of the year. Finally, the defective rate plays a partial mediating role between negative feedback/consistent feedback and subjective performance gaps between raters and rates in the end of the year.

主题分类 社會科學 > 管理學
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