


The Influence of Personality on Intertemporal Loyalty of Online Game Customers




鄧景宜(Ching-I Teng);銀慶剛(Ching-Kang Ing);方珮芝(Pei-Chih Fang)


線上遊戲 ; 人格特質 ; 顧客忠誠 ; 技巧 ; 神迷 ; online game ; personality traits ; customer loyalty ; skill ; flow




29卷6期(2012 / 12 / 01)


559 - 581






Previous studies have indicated that openness, conscientiousness, and extraversion are important predictors for customer loyalty in online games. However, as we know, no studies have investigated the relationships among gamer personality and gamer loyalty over time, or intertemporal loyalty. Thus this longitudinal study investigated whether gamer openness, conscientiousness, and extra version impact gamer intertemporal loyalty. This study obtained the responses from 345 gamers. The analytical results indicate that: (1) online gamer openness, conscientiousness, and extraversion positively contribute to gamer skill, and then increase flow and gamer loyalty at time point 1, and then increase loyalty at time point 2; (2) skill, flow, and loyalty at time point 1 are good predictors for skill, flow, and loyalty at time point 2; (3) online gamer extraversion predicts skill at time point 2.

主题分类 社會科學 > 管理學
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