


Investigating the Performance of Organizational Routines from the Knowing Competency in Practice-An Example of Medical Teams Implementing New Routines in Operating Rooms




黃經洲(Jin-Jon Huang);陳加屏(Jia-Ping Chen);艾昌瑞(Chang-Rui Ai)


學習曲線 ; 組織學習 ; 組織常規 ; 個案研究法 ; 實務中辨識 ; organizational routines ; knowing in practice ; case study research ; learning curve ; organizational learning




31卷3期(2014 / 09 / 01)


199 - 215






Implementing organizational routines can facilitate processing multiple daily repetitive tasks and yield a significant impact on organizational operations. However, sub-optimal organizational routines often result in organizational rigidity and severely affect organizational performance. This study proposes that the embedded knowledge in daily interactions between team members can improve the efficiency of organizational routines. Aggregating routines of internal firm from the macro perspective infers overall company performance and organizational capabilities, resulting in leaving the impact of personal level of organizational routines on an entire company performance undeveloped totally. Thus, developing micro perspective can facilitate the insufficiencies of the macro perspective. However, organizational routines is the phenomenon of interaction of many personal actions, which is so complex in processing that it's difficult to analyze the impact of individual factors on routines, and that makes the development of macro perspective come across obstacle, and it can be broken through by the related theory in the practice and the combination of organizational routines. Thus, the study introduces knowing in practice to connect with organizational routines. This study conducts interviews with two surgical teams regarding their daily work interaction situations and explores the learning and understanding of the team members in implementing new routines. Through questionnaires and data analysis with two surgical teams, it is found that there's a significant difference in new routines with interactions of daily work between team members, affecting surgical teams in implementing the performance of new routines. The process of organizational members pursuing optimal organizational routines is organizational learning. During this process, optimizing routines is achieved through dynamic interactions among people and between people and knowledge. The macro perspective proposes that organizational routines will appear stable prior to its alteration. However, from the micro perspective, organizational routines are in a slightly-altered successive process. Thus, managers must learn, understand, and guide the endogenous energy inside to accumulate the energy needed in innovating organizational routines.

主题分类 社會科學 > 管理學
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