


The Impact of Channel and Product Strategy on Financial Performance in the Life Insurance Industry




賴宏誌(Hung-Chih Lai);張邦茹(Pang-Ru Chang);蘇方盈(Fang-Ying Su)


壽險業 ; 行銷通路 ; 產品策略 ; Life industry ; Marketing distribution ; Product strategy




31卷4期(2014 / 12 / 01)


319 - 341






This article examines the relationship among product, distribution channel and financial performance in the life insurance industry from 2007 to 2011, using the product concentration ratio as proxy of product strategy. The distribution channel in this paper divides into the sale, bancassurance and agents and brokers. The results of this study reveal that the relationship between the ratio of bancassurance or agents and broker and financial performance is significant positive. Second, the association between the product concentration ratio and performance is nonlinear. Third, distribution channel strategy is the moderate variable between the product concentration ratio and performance. We further construct the strategic groups considering two variables: product and distribution channel. We find that the group with high performance has a low product concentration ratio but has a high ratio of sale distribution. In addition, the distribution channel specialization group is best performance in dynamic strategic groups.

主题分类 社會科學 > 管理學
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