


The Relationships among Green Advertising Appeals, Self-reference, Green Brand Attitude, Green Buying Intentions and Consumers' Ecological Commitment




蔡進發(Chin-Fa Tsai);蕭至惠(Chih-Hui Hsiao)


綠色廣告訴求 ; 自我參照 ; 綠色品牌態度 ; 消費者生態環境承諾程度 ; 綠色購買意願 ; Green Advertising Appeals ; Self-reference ; Green Brand Attitude ; Consumers' Ecological Commitment ; Green Buying Intentions




32卷1期(2015 / 03 / 01)


85 - 108






202 participants are recruited in this study. This study adopts 2×3 between-subjects experimental design to test the proposed hypotheses. This results show that (1) Compared to rational advertising appeals, emotional advertising appeals lead to higher green brand attitude. (2) Compared to rational advertising appeals, emotional advertising appeals have more mediated effect on the relationship between purchase intention of green products and green brand attitude. (3) Compared to not using self-reference advertising, advertising with self-reference will lead to higher green brand attitude. (4) It will lead to higher green brand attitude if rational advertising matches with analytical self-reference or emotional advertising matches with narrative self-reference. (5) When consumers' ecological commitment is low, emotional advertising appeals lead to higher green brand attitude than rational advertising appeals. When consumers' ecological commitment is high, however, there is no significant difference in green brand attitude between emotional advertising appeals and rational advertising appeals. (6) Green brand attitude and consumers' ecological commitment positively affect consumers' buying intentions of green products respectively. (7) Consumers' ecological commitment positively affects green brand attitude. (8) Consumers' ecological commitment dose not moderate the relationship between green brand attitude and buying intentions.

主题分类 社會科學 > 管理學
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