
Delving into Absorptive Capacity's Antecedents and Effects on Innovative Capabilities: A Dynamic Capabilities Perspective






鍾以勇(Yi-Yung Chung)


吸收能力 ; 潛在吸收能力 ; 實現吸收能力 ; 探索性創新能力 ; 利用性創新能力 ; absorptive capacity ; potential absorptive capacity ; realized absorptive capacity ; explorative innovative capability ; exploitative innovative capability




32卷2期(2015 / 06 / 01)


163 - 203






This study purported to explore the absorptive capacity's antecedents and effects on the innovative capability under the logic of dynamic capabilities perspective. Through questionnaire survey method, this study investigated Taiwan's firms in hi-tech electronics industry. The empirical evidences corroborated that (1) the antecedents of potential absorptive capacity comprised learning capability, systems capability, and coordination capability, with the impact direction of systems capability being negative, (2) the antecedents of realized absorptive capacity encompassed learning capability, systems capability, coordination capability, and socialization capability, with all being positive impacts, (3) the effect of potential absorptive capacity on the explorative innovative capability was positive but not significant, and (4) the impact of realized absorptive capacity on the exploitative innovative capability was significantly positive. The result of this study contributes to the building block for future related research. The suggestions for future research along with the theoretical and managerial implications were also proposed.

主题分类 社會科學 > 管理學
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