


Information Systems Research in Taiwan: A Review and Perspective




陳灯能(Deng-Neng Chen);賴佳吟(Chia-Yin Lai);梁定澎(Ting-Peng Liang)


資訊管理研究 ; 文獻回顧 ; 主題分析 ; Information Systems Research ; Literature Review ; Topic Analysis




33卷1期(2016 / 03 / 01)


61 - 86






Information systems (also called management information systems, MIS) is an area that targets at investigating impacts of information technologies on individual, organization, and society. The discipline has evolved into a mature discipline in the past three decades. In Taiwan, MIS is one of the most popular areas due to the strong manufacturing capability of computer and information equipment. Scholars have published a number of research papers in domestic and international journals. The purpose of this research is to review the papers published by Taiwanese scholars to show the evolution of previous research and possible future directions. A total of 1213 IS papers from seven TSSCI journals and 364 papers from 5 international journals between 1981 and 2014 were identified. These papers were classified based on the framework by Liang and Chen (2005). The results show that "IS applications in business" was the most popular research theme. Moreover, the development of information technology was the major driving force, which indicates that following the development trend of new information technology is the key to capture the mainstream MIS research. A few new directions for the future are also outlined in the paper.

主题分类 社會科學 > 管理學
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