


A Bargaining Model with Supply Uncertainty under Credit Guarantee Mechanism




蔣明晃(David Ming-Huang Chiang);葉哲瑋(Che-Wei Yeh)


供應鏈管理 ; 信用擔保機制 ; 議價模式 ; Supply Chain Management ; Credit Guarantee Mechanism ; Bargaining Model




34卷2期(2017 / 06 / 01)


215 - 230






Nowadays, supply chain usually develops a model that a retailer outsources its order to smaller suppliers to meet the customer's demand. Unfortunately, suppliers often face the problem of lacking financial support, which leads them unable to deliver their product to retailer on time or to violate the contract. When it happens, it will erode the whole supply chain's operation effectiveness and its own profit. This research proposes a credit guarantee mechanism in which the bargaining behavior between a supplier and a retailer is discussed. This mechanism is initiated by the retailer actively such that the supplier can borrow the financial support from bank to cover its manufacturing cost. By doing this, we hope that the total supply chain's profit and welfare can increase. Our research shows that the retailer and the supplier should cooperate much more tightly with each other to increase the whole supply chain's profit. Besides, the retailer and the bank should pay much more attention to decide the loan-to-value (LTV) when a credit guarantee mechanism is setup since the value of LTV will have greatly impact on whole supply chain's profit.

主题分类 社會科學 > 管理學
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