The turnover rate among nursing staff is exceptionally high. However, little qualitative research has been conducted on the learning experiences and perceptions of new graduates. The results of this study may provide crucial information to healthcare providers in administration and education for developing strategies to reduce the turnover rate. The purpose of this research was to explore learning experiences of newly graduated nurses. This qualitative study used an in-depth interview method with purposive sampling. Eight newly graduated nurses were interviewed. Data were analyzed using category-content analysis. Four major themes were identified: (1) a gap between expectations and reality; (2) communication embarrassment; (3) mental and physical exhaustion, and (4) metamorphosis or disillusionment. These themes were presented in eight aspects. The results showed that newly graduated nurses entering clinical work faced multiple sources of pressure and played numerous roles during their first year. If nurses receive appropriate support and attention, they might be more highly motivated to continue their work. According to these results, specific recommendations are provided for nursing administrators and the design and implementation of clinical in-service training.
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