The aim of this project was to improve the completion rate of learning portfolios in stage IV nursing training during a 2-year training course. In 2012, the learning portfolio completion rate was only 66% for stage IV courses. A questionnaire was employed, which identified the following reasons: cumbersome content, the preceptor failed to complete the passport content, reading reports and case studies could not be completed on time, training camps and objectively structured clinical exams were unfinished, and a lack of a bonus system. The project was conducted during January 2013-March 2014. We revised the content of the learning portfolio, established an alarm to remind the training course participants, revised the content of the reading reports and case studies, and made it easier to finish the program at different times. Additionally, we increased the N2 and OSCE training camps and established a bonus system. After the improvement, the completion rate increased from 66% to 94.5%. In conclusion, the use of comprehensive learning plans and implemented clinical guidelines, along with training and curriculum revisions, enhanced clinical nurses' ability to achieve a higher quality of care.
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