


Primary Exploration into the Effectiveness of a Technical Audit Assessing the Emotional Distress of Nurses




蔣秀容(Shiow-Rong Jeang);顧艷秋(Yan-Choiu Ku);王珮珩(Pei-Hern Wang);黃鳳玉(Feng-Yu Huang);陳菁菁(Chin-Chin Chen);吳淑君(Shu-Chun Wu)


教育訓練 ; 情緒困擾評估 ; 護理技術稽核 ; 技能 ; 成效 ; education training ; emotional distress assessment ; nursing technical audit ; skill ; effectiveness




34卷1期(2017 / 03 / 01)


29 - 39




護理技術攸關護理品質且在護理實務的執行過程具有重要的影響力。本研究旨在探討護理人員接受情緒困擾護理技術稽核後技能之變化。屬前瞻實驗性研究設計,樣本取自南部某醫學中心護理人員,隨機分派,實驗組與對照組各為41 人,研究工具為自擬之「情緒困擾護理技術查檢表」。實驗組介入護理技術稽核,對照組沒有介入。研究結果顯示技術稽核介入後,兩組技能得分都提升,但實驗組顯著優於對照組,並達統計顯著差異(p=.005)。建議未來可簡化查檢表並將情緒困擾評估列入護理部中央技術考核中,落實情緒困擾評估能力於臨床之運用。期能藉此研究結果作為管理者於推動護理實務經驗之參考。


Nursing technology is of great importance to the quality of care and has a crucial influence on the implementation of nursing practices. This study was conducted to explore the changes in the skills of nurses subjected to a technical audit aimed at assessing their emotional distress. A prospective experimental design was adopted. The subjects were nurses at a medical center in southern Taiwan. They were randomly grouped into an experimental and control group, each comprising 41 nurses. The research tool was the self-designed Emotional Distress Assessment Nursing Technology Checklist. The experimental group received the technical audit, whereas the control group did not. The research results showed that after the intervention, the scores of both groups increased. However, the scores of experimental group were significantly higher than those of the control group (p = .005). This suggested that the checklist can be simplified and that emotional distress assessments can be included in the central technology assessment of the investigated nursing department to enable emotional distress assessments in clinical practice. The results of this study may serve as reference for hospital management to enhance practical nursing experience.

主题分类 醫藥衛生 > 預防保健與衛生學
醫藥衛生 > 社會醫學
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