Falling is the most frequent accident that occurs in our hospital, accounting for more that 25% of all case reports on patient safety incidents. Almost half of fall patients exhibit minor, moderate, or severe injuries. An original 16-item fall-risk screening tool was found to be complicated and the outcomes of sensitivity and specificity were ineffective. The purpose of this study was to simplify the risk screening tool used for predicting patient falls in a medical center in southern Taiwan. We used the 16-item screening tool and conducted a retrospective case-control study based on data collected regarding 169 cases of inpatient falls reported at the medical center in 2015. A control group was selected from a stratified random sample of patients treated at various departments. Controlling for age, we frequency matched a sample of 169 inpatients who did not fall during hospitalization at a ratio of 1:1, obtaining a total sample of 338 cases. SPSS Version 20.0 was employed to perform a descriptive statistical analysis of the two groups and to conduct chi-square tests and a diagnostic test. The 338 inpatients comprised 211 men and 127 women, with ages mostly ranging from 52.0 to 80.3 years. The results of the chi-square analysis revealed the following seven risk factors for falling: unsteady gait, past history of falls, dizziness/vertigo, patients overestimating their ability of forgetting their limitations, requiring assistance in ambulation, being prescribed sedatives or hypnotics, and taking laxatives. The simplified 7-item version of the fall-risk screening tool was found to be appropriate through an analysis of the receiver operating characteristic curve (ROC), the result of the analysis showed an area under the curve of .725. Based on the fall risk screening score with 2 points as the cutoff value, the sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value, negative predictive value, and Youden index for detecting patients at a high risk of falling were 83.4%, 43.8%, 59.7%, 72.5%, and .40, respectively. The fall-risk screening tool could be used by clinical nurses as a procedure in patient admissions and daily physical assessments to identify patients at a high risk of falling.
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