The aim of this project was to promote the completion rate of health education among home-based patients receiving chemotherapy through portable infusions. The main purpose was to prevent chemotherapy extravasation and enhance patients' self-care capacity and quality of life. In 2015, according to the statistical data of patients who received home-based chemotherapy with a portable infusor for the first time, there were 103 abnormal events (6.7%), including two incidences of chemotherapy extravasation (0.19%), which was higher than the hospital index of patient safety (0%). Therefore, this motivated us to develop this improvement project. Clinical auditing revealed that the completion rate of portable infusion health education was only 50.8%. The following reasons for this low education completion rate were identified: because nursing staff members were busy with multiple tasks, they were easily interrupted during the education processes; some patients were older and had less motivation for learning self-care knowledge regarding using the infusor; educational resources such as handouts or tools were lacking; and in the policy dimension, there was no standard operating procedures for health education and insufficient continuous nursing education. The following improvement approaches were developed: formulate standard operating procedures for patients' health education and enhance nursing continuous education; record a video illustrating home-based infusor operation and publish the video on the Internet; and develop health education handouts and provide an educational infusor model for display. After the improvement program was implemented, the education completion rate among home-based patients receiving chemotherapy with an infusor for the first time increased to 97.4%, and the abnormal events decreased by 1.7% with no chemotherapy extravasation. These results indicated a significant improvement in infusor education, and the health education completion rate was included in the quality auditing index of the outpatient chemotherapy care unit for continuous monitoring.
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