Emergency nurses play a key role in epidemic prevention and control. They should have a high level of training in epidemic prevention to prevent infectious disease transmission and achieve epidemic control. Therefore, strategies for improving nurses' epidemic prevention abilities, enhancing their awareness of the risk of emerging infectious diseases, and improving the effectiveness of implementation strategies at both the individual and institutional level should be developed. An objective structured clinical evaluation (OSCE) of the epidemic prevention abilities of emergency nurses and a questionnaire about their self-confidence were administered from January 30 to February 7, 2020. The evaluation revealed that emergency nurses' epidemic prevention abilities were low. Status analysis revealed that the main factors related to such low abilities included a lack of nursing experience, unfamiliarity with epidemic prevention procedures, frequent changes in epidemic policies, a low willingness to take epidemic prevention seriously, and unclear marking of the moving line in emergency negative-pressure isolation rooms. In response to these findings, a project was established to enhance the epidemic prevention abilities of emergency nurses. The project was conducted from January to May 2020. A structured process and a list of spare parts were established through situational simulation training. A Facebook community was established to update nurses on epidemic prevention policies. On-the-job education on epidemic prevention and empathy was implemented to improve nurses' clinical skills, confidence, and knowledge. Furthermore, moving lines in emergency negative-pressure isolation rooms and for material allocation were marked visually. After implementation of these measures, the average score of nurses' self-confidence in their epidemic prevention abilities increased from 2.9 to 4.7 points. The integrity rate of the epidemic prevention OSCE reached 94.98%. All target values were reached, and the epidemic prevention ability of emergency nurses improved significantly. This study can provide emergency nurses with a reference in the care of patients with emerging infectious diseases and COVID-19. Such a reference is necessary to implement epidemic prevention and ensure the safety of the medical system.
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