The Regulations Governing the Specialties and Examination of Nurse Practitioners were amended by Taiwan's Ministry of Health and Welfare in 2020 to include nurse anesthetists as a specialist group. Consequently, tests to form the basis of the licensure examination for nurse anesthetists were required. In this mixed-methods study, 60 nurse anesthetists were recruited from four medical centers in central Taiwan. We conducted expert consensus meetings, instructor training, and workshops with standardized patients to create scenarios and ensure a standardized test process. Six expert meetings were conducted. A scenario design workshop and examiner training program had 42 and 36 participants, respectively (including repeat participants). Finally, eight scenarios were created, including two for the Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE). In total, 60 participants attended the examination, with 88 scenarios failed on the first attempt and 17 failed on the second. The feedback from both the examiner and standardized patients was satisfactory and concordant with the national OSCE. The test's level of difficulty was appropriate. The OSCE, as a licensure test, was deemed meaningful for evaluating clinical competence according to the Miller pyramid of assessment. The test format must be planned in accordance with the course curriculum and competencies required for clinical practice to achieve the purposes of education, licensure, and practice and to cultivate nurse anesthetists' competencies for meeting future challenges in the workplace.
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