Annual health checkups are a key component of preventive medicine, preventing disease occurrence through early detection and treatment. The early detection of a malignant legion increases the treatment success rate by preventing disease progression. Colonoscopy can effectively detect lesions with malignant potential, such as small polyps or dysplastic lesions, and is considered crucial for the early detection of colon cancer. In 2018, the average colonoscopy withdrawal rate in our healthcare center of Taipei Veterans General Hospital was 11.7%. This high withdrawal rate may increase daily costs and client discomfort as well as decreasing revenue, thus having a negative impact on the hospital. Therefore, our department established a task force on October 31, 2019, to develop measures to address this problem, including an education and training program for the reception staff, the development of a standard protocol for colonoscopy preparation, improvements to the appointment system, a quick response code linked to an educational video on colon preparation, improved guidance for colonoscopy preparation, and a reminder phone call or text message before the appointment. All these measures effectively reduced the withdrawal rate from 11.7% to 4.9%, meeting the target value, and improved colon cleansing. These results can aid other departments in promoting bowel preparation by improving the process, reducing the withdrawal rate for self-financed colonoscopy, increasing the satisfaction and trust of clients, enhancing the professional service and competitiveness of the unit, and contributing to the positive image of the hospital.
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