In 2020, we determined that the average time spent writing nursing records by nursing staff, including new patient assessments, health problem records, and discharge plans, was 26.3 minutes. From October 1, 2020, to September 30, 2021, nursing record writing was studied. Five problems causing excessive time to be spent writing nursing records were identified: slow word-by-word input speed, unfamiliarity of new nurses with health problems, repeated revisions because of fear of omission, complicated nursing plan writing protocols, and an excessive number of electronic assessment forms. The following time-saving solutions were identified: 1. Development of a one-page nursing clinical pathway form; 2. development of a checkbox nursing clinical pathway form; 3. setting the hyperlink of the electronic assessment form; 4. providing classes for nurses. The average time spent writing nursing records was reduced from 26.3 to 14.7 minutes, and the rate of improved nursing record writing time was 44.1%. These results met the prespecified target values. This project used the clinical pathway information system to integrate the various nursing record documents; as a result, nursing record writing time was reduced, and the satisfaction level of the nursing staff increased.
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