The purpose of this project was to improve the packaging of surgical instrument kits. Inappropriate instrument kit packaging engenders surgical delays, thus increasing the risk of patient infection or death. Before the implementation of this project, the error rate for surgical instrument kit packaging was 0.43%. The improvement project was implemented from September 1, 2018, to April 30, 2019. A review of the instrument kit packaging procedures revealed that the leading causes of packaging errors were noncompliance with standard operating procedures, flawed inspection systems, irregular training, and inappropriate regulation of working standards. Decision matrix analysis was used to formulate recommendations for improvement, which are outlined as follows: regarding policy recommendations, standard operating procedures should be amended and regular training programs should be organized; regarding personnel recommendations, managers should use "three to four fingers" to remind staff to comply with standard operating procedures; and regarding equipment recommendations, managers should develop an instrument list, engrave a unique barcode onto every instrument, and replace borrowed instruments with permanent instruments at the hospital. After the implementation of these recommendations, the error rate for surgical instrument kit packaging was reduced to 0.082%, demonstrating an improvement in ensuring patient safety.
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