


Reducing Abnormal Rates of BMI with Patients in Psychiatric Day Wards




張玟鈴(Wen-Ling Chang);林明熙(Ming-Shi Lin);顏尚玉(Shang-Yu Yen);曾淑君(Shu-Chun Tseng);李淑瓊(Shyu-Chyang Lee);鄒怡真(Yi-Chen Tsou)


精神科日間病房病人 ; BMI異常率 ; psychiatric day ward inpatient ; abnormal BMI rate




41卷2期(2024 / 06 / 01)


128 - 137




肥胖是全球重要的公共健康議題,體重過重對於慢性精神病人構成了健康威脅。本單位為日間照護病房,收治了52位慢性精神病人。受新冠肺炎疫情影響,病人多採靜態的活動型態及不健康的飲食行為。於2022年1月調查發現,52位病人中,有39人的BMI超過24 kg/m^2,異常率高達75%,影響病人身心發展,故成立專案小組。分析病人BMI異常率高的原因有:喜歡吃澱粉類及高油脂類食物、飲用含糖飲料解渴、體力無法負荷活動、不喜歡運動、課程設計多為靜態活動及沒有安排體重控制課程等。專案小組透過享受享瘦健康手冊、製作含糖飲料對照表、體適能健康操、創意動態活動、健康減重課程及減重比賽等措施,幫助病人改善飲食習慣,增加體能活動,進而激發了病人對課程的參與興趣及規律運動的習慣。BMI異常率由75%下降至62.7%,達到專案目的。透過本專案執行,可發揮病人間互助合作之精神,相互支持和鼓勵,共同面對挑戰並分享成功經驗。建議未來可將肥胖預防列為精神科病房的照護常規,定期監測肥胖危險因子,加強病人對健康飲食及運動習慣的認識,持續培養健康行為模式,以建立常規性的減重環境。


Obesity is a major global public health concern, endangering the health of patients with chronic mental illnesses. Our ward currently treats 52 patients with chronic mental illnesses, many of whom adopted sedentary lifestyles and unhealthy eating behaviors during the COVID-19 pandemic. A survey conducted in January 2022 revealed that 39 of these 52 patients (75%) had a body mass index (BMI) exceeding 24 kg/m^2; accordingly, a task force was established to address this problem. The task force identified several causes of obesity, including a preference for starchy and high-fat foods, drink sugary drinks to quench their thirst, inability to engage in physical activities because of a lack of fitness, do not like to exercise, the curriculum design is mostly static activities, and a lack of available weight control programs. The task force implemented several intervention measures-including recommending the "Enjoy Slim, Enjoy Health" handbook, fitness exercises, creative dynamic activities, weight loss health programs, and group competitions-aiming to create a supportive weight loss environment, enhance patient participation in weight loss programs, and promote the habit of regular exercise. As a result of the task force's efforts, the abnormal BMI rate decreased from 75% to 62.7%. This project enhanced patient's activity levels and weight loss motivation by fostering the spirit of mutual help and cooperation among patients. To establish a conducive weight loss environment, obesity prevention should be included in the care regimens of psychiatric day wards, obesity risk factors should be monitored regularly, patients' dietary awareness and exercise habits should be strengthened, and healthy behavioral patterns should be consistently developed.

主题分类 醫藥衛生 > 預防保健與衛生學
醫藥衛生 > 社會醫學
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