


Nature, Urban Planning and Environment Consciousness: On the Problems of Ecological Modernization in Taiwan




蔡采秀(Tsai-Hsiu Tsai)


自然 ; 都市規劃 ; 生態現代化 ; 九二一大地震 ; 環境意識 ; Nature ; Urban planning ; ecological modernization ; the 921 earthquake ; environmental consciousness




42卷2期(2004 / 06 / 01)


117 - 181




這篇研究主要的目的在於,從過去臺灣社會的發展經驗以及九二一大地震的重建過程,來檢視生態現代化在開發中國家的問題癥結。 所謂的生態現代化,主要是為了平衡經濟發展和環境保護之間的衝突所發展出來的論述。然而,這個選擇的平衡點至今卻仍無定論,以致這個名詞的用法相當分歧。這個論述一方面可以看作是西方勢力所發展出來的「現代化」概念的殘餘;另一方面也是企圖要彌補西方過去乃至現在已經脫離自然的「現代化」缺失。對許多非西方的開發中國家而言,生態現代化是個可欲不可求的環境目標。這些國家在現代化過程中為了加快經濟發展的腳步,往往使他們無法兼顧環境問題,取得兩者之間的平衡。1999年的九二一大地震就呈顯出,臺灣過去的發展經驗和生態現代化這個環境議題之間的落差所在。 本研究發現顯示,非西方社會的生態現代化問題除了和西方世界一樣,必須面臨技術和決策論述的問題之外,有許多歷史文化殘餘也是阻礙形成解決環境問題共識的重要影響因素。臺灣從日治時期到戰後國民政府的經濟發展掛帥前提下,都市計畫的規劃幾乎不曾考慮到「自然」的環境需要,只考慮到人的需要,以統治者在軍事和政治上的需要為需要。長期下來,人遺忘了自然,也失去了自然之間的連繫和相互依存的一體感。整個社會的環境意識中只有個別化的「受害意識」,根本缺乏「環境問題」的整體概念。


The aim of this article is trying to illustrate some historical and cultural respects of the discourse on ecological modernization in a developing country like Taiwan, by means of examining its past experience of urban planning and the reconstructing process of 921 earthquake since 1999. In spite that various discussions on the discourse of ecological modernization are endeavoring to resolve the instinct conflicts between economic development and environment protection, there seldom exists any agreement on what is an appropriate environmental policy and how to make an exact choice. For many developing countries, ecological modernization is a desirable but remote goal in their pursuing process of economic growth. The reconstructing process of 921 earthquake on 1999 reveals such discrepancy. The main findings of this research shows, such discrepancy is not only a part of technological development like in the western societies, but also incurred by some residuals of historical and cultural elements. The urban planning of Taiwan seldom set its base on the environmental needs of nature, but only military and political needs of the rulers, on the requirement of economic growth since the Japanese-ruled period. It makes people forget nature and lose the connection and solidarity with nature. The environmental consciousness of whole society focused only on the individual benefits, but lack of a kind of holistic preconception on the surrounding environment.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
社會科學 > 社會科學綜合
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