


The Mutual-Restriction among Cliques in the Reformation of Politics: Tsen Chun Hsuan and the Reorganization of the Military Government in 1918




譚群玉(Qun-Yu Tan)


政治轉型 ; 派系制衡 ; 岑春煊 ; 軍政府改組 ; the reformation of the political system ; mutual-restriction among cliques ; Tsen Chun Hsuan ; the reformation of the military government




43卷3期(2005 / 09 / 01)


283 - 318






Walking out of the traditional opinional system and the study model of the rights and wrongs, we will find that with the process of democratization from autocracy in the modem Chain, the center of politics lost its balance. The tussle between the new power and the old and the mutual-restriction among the cliques deeply influenced the political life under the appearance of democracy. The reorganization of the Canton protect-constitution military government in 1918 changed its form from autocracy to collegiate system, embodying the balance in power of the southern cliques. The victory of Tsen Chun Hsuan, who was once not be thought as an important person, not only reflected the conflict between Sun Yat-sen and the south-west warlords, but also related with the interest of the cliques, the south parliament, the north and south of China, and Tsen Chun Hsuan's conspiracy with Zheng Xue Hui. With all the relations entangled, a compound power impeled the development of Chinese politics. It opens out the ture and complex existence of multi-headed political situation, the mutual-restriction of the aims and the interests among cliques, and the character of political moving in the process of reformation in China.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
社會科學 > 社會科學綜合
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