The human capital is important for a nation to be developed. Prompted by this proposition, the current study applied the human capital theory to explore the factors involved in higher education expanding and their potential influences. The ratios of higher education in years of 1970, 1975, 1980, 1985, 1990, and 1995 that had been reported in World Development Report and World Development Index Data were collected and used as the data. Statistical techniques, including Multi-Regression, Cluster Analysis, and Discriminant Analysis, were employed to test ten null hypotheses. In the regression model, the annual population growth rate, the enrollment ratio of secondary education, and the annual economic growth rate along with the per capital income, the GDP ratio of educational expenditure, and the per student cost of higher education were employed to test the variables that could serve as significant predictors of better higher education. These data were also used to discriminate and cluster the high, middle, and low higher education quantity in different countries. In addition, they were analyzed in terms of identifying any differences in the ratio of higher education across countries. Finally, the Gini coefficient was chosen to test the equality of the ratio of higher education, whereas the t-test was used to analyze the difference in the ratio of higher education. Results showed that eight hypotheses were rejected. Based on these findings, suggestions for promoting quality of higher education were provided.
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