


Reconstruction of the Chinese Nation and the Disintegration of the Prototype-Liang Qi Chao's Nation Thought




梁台根(Tae-Keun Yang)


梁啓超 ; 民族主義 ; 開明專制 ; 康德 ; 黑格爾 ; Liang, Qi Chao ; nationalism ; Kaimingzhuanzhi Open dictatorship ; Kant ; Hegel




44卷4期(2006 / 12 / 01)


45 - 89




一個國家面臨外國侵略和內部種族衝突的分裂危機,對身為意見領袖愛國知識份子的代表,梁啟超為合群協力群治之目的,為國家內部團結力抵外侮,試圖從各種不同思想資源中,尋繹出民族國家意識的凝聚點。這一尋求民族力量凝聚點的努力,在民族帝國主義盛行之外在環境中,梁啟超則著手重構人民之所習慣與所信仰,不但中國傳統學術資產的重新檢討和解構,進一步打破各學術疆域,更是極力推動適於現代社會以民主政治為基礎的強盛民族國家的社會文化原型之重構。雖然,康得與黑格爾思想,並不能完全說明梁啟超思想的內涵,但是透過對他們二人思想理論的瞭解,卻能幫助我們深入探析出梁啟超思想之理論架構。 即使當時改革革命運動的知識分之問的具體立論甚為相左,但是建構新民族而對抗外侮之思考邏輯並無二致,並且透過中國內部思想資源中,積極探尋有利於新民族構築運動的思想基礎,解構固有思想範籬,重新建構適於現代民主民族國家的思想原型的努力,呈現相當一致的思想運動模式。當前我們面臨近現代世界性盛行的民族主義、自由主義或共產主義等主要政治思想出現失敗和困境,正須要積極尋求解決之道時,過往他們藉以解放之力量,突破思想束縛,營構全新的解決途徑,不僅是值得我們參考的歷史經驗,也是相當寶貴的思想資產。


A country facing foreign aggression and internal ethnic conflicts secession crisis, the representative of the patriotic intellectuals as opinion leaders, to the country's internal unity, Liang Qichao, from different ideological and resources trying to find out the awareness of a national rallying point. Not only the Chinese traditional academic asset review and deconstruction, further break the academic territory, is an effort to promote more suited to a modern democratic society based on social and cultural prosperity of the nation-state prototype Reconstruction. Although Kant and Hegel's thinking, can not fully explain the meaning of Liang Qichao, but through ideological and theoretical understanding of the two of them, it can help us take an in-depth Analysis of the theoretical framework for thinking out of Liang Qichao. Even at the time when the revolutionary movement reform intellectuals ran between the very specific proposals, but building a new nation against foreign aggression and Reflection is identical. This China's internal forces and the creation of new nation-state and in-depth understanding of the movement, may give us permission to explore the core issues in contravention of this strong point of reference, that is the basis of the new democratic nation state of internal, how to keep harmony between the different interest groups. In this paper, through the threat of foreign invasion, as the country's own national survival, have to sacrifice personal freedom argument-depth internal discussion. We are currently facing the modern world rampant nationalism, communism, liberalism or the thinking of other major political failures and difficulties, we need to actively seek to resolve it, the past through their liberation forces break through ideological restraints, and constructed a new avenue for settlement, we should look at is not only historical experience, The thinking is quite valuable assets.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
社會科學 > 社會科學綜合
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