


To Trace the Origin of "The Way of Man and Heaven" of North Song Neo-Confucianism: Taking "Qi, the Heaven, and the Book of Changes" in Middle Period of Tang Dynasty as the Clues




劉芝慶(Jhih-Ching Liu)


氣 ; 天 ; 易 ; 道教 ; 禪宗 ; 理學 ; Qi ; heaven ; the Book of Changes ; Taoism ; the Zen sect of Buddhism ; Neo-Confucianism




48卷4期(2010 / 12 / 01)


157 - 219






From the thought of the universe full of Qi, people in Tang Dynasty started to ponder on the relationship between man and heaven. There might be differences; however, these ideas were based on the presumption of integrity of man and heaven. Then, in what way should a person do in this world? People of Tang Dynasty had diverse opinions and theories about it. Especially after the middle period of Tang Dynasty, the Taoists considered Qi and the Book of Changes as the key points of making pills of immortality, took the heaven as their model, regarded the human body as a microcosm that could respond to the macrocosm outside, and the unique place of practice lay in that. On the other hand, the Zen sect of Buddhism proves with heart directly, and realizes the falseness of the world as illusion; yet similarly, it does not break away from the viewpoint of integrity of man and heaven.Following this tradition, the theory of Qi was Neo-Confucianists' foundation of world outlook, temperament was their basis of self-cultivation, and the Book of Changes and the diagram of cosmological scheme was the way of entering Tao that they showed the students of younger generation. No doubt that these features could be traced back to the Pre-Qin Confucianism; however, we cannot deny that the Neo-Confucianists used the thinking mode and resources of those after the middle period of Tang Dynasty, then looked far into Pre-Qin Confucianism, and constructed their own theories.The research was to explore and retrace the origin of North Song Neo-Confucianism from the angles of Qi, the Book of Changes, and the heaven, and attempted to explain the development.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
社會科學 > 社會科學綜合
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