


The Symbolic Struggle in the Action of Concerning the Rural Regeneration Act




鍾怡婷(Yi-Ting Chung)


農村再生 ; 象徵權力 ; 論述建構 ; Rural Regeneration ; symbolic power ; discourse construction




49卷4期(2011 / 12 / 01)


139 - 160






Since the Rural Regeneration Act had passed the first reading, it had aroused the whole society paying attention on it. The debate between opponents and supporters is on the question if the rural in Taiwan will be revival or died. Along the axis, the struggle for the meaning of ”what is rural regeneration” and ”what will it be” has spread out. In the action of concerning the Rural Regeneration Act, agents involve in the struggle over the meaning in different ways and it was manipulate through symbolic power, while the civil society made confrontation through rooted in the local community. The Rural Regeneration Act had aroused the whole society to concern issues of agriculture again. Although it had been legislated, the action of concerning has not over. What the article explored and we should understand is that the power presented by the state and authority is symbolic power, which is the power of discourse construction, and it will establish our cognition and belief. Also, it will rationalize the existed relation of politics and economy, and then reproduce the unequal social relationship. Therefore, the concerning action is not merely the struggle for the legislation of Rural Regeneration Act. The struggle over the meaning and ideology of rural will still continue.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
社會科學 > 社會科學綜合
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