


Reflexive Operation: Observation on the Genesis of Indigenous Social Theory




劉育成(Yu-Cheng Liu)


反身性 ; 系統理論 ; 本土化 ; 俗民方法學 ; 實在 ; reflexivity ; social systems theory ; indigenization ; ethnomethodology ; reality




50卷2期(2012 / 06 / 01)


193 - 231






This article investigates the emergence of social theory indigenized in Taiwan. Roughly, the argument base itself on two foundations: A micro foundation of social theory presented by ethnomethodology on the one hand and a macro one of social systems theory on the other. It will be argued that philosophical decisions made on the indigenization of social theory to interpret the social phenomena of a specific society will result in different sociological implications. This will be demonstrated by re-examining the notion of reflectivity adopted by Harold Garfinkel and Niklas Luhmann. The analysis of their thoughts will be settled in the context of the long-lasting debates about the emergence of indigenized social theory in Taiwan. Following this, it will suggest that both theoretical approaches develop respectively the concept of reflexivity that renders self-production and self-observation of the indigenization of social theory possible. It will be demonstrated further by the examples adopted from certain classical Chinese literatures for the purpose that it could contribute to our understanding of the genesis of indigenous social theory in Taiwan.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
社會科學 > 社會科學綜合
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