


A Brief Biography of Sun Ying-Ao and Commentary on Related Studies


黃文樹(Wen-Shu Huang)


孫應鰲 ; 《四書近語》 ; 《孫應鰲文集》 ; 《孫山甫督學文集》 ; 《學孔精舍詩鈔》 ; Sun Ying-Ao ; "Four Books in Today's Language" ; "Collected Works of Sun Ying-Ao" ; "Collected Works of Education Inspector Sun Shan-Fu" ; "Learning from Written Poems at Confucius' Abode"




51卷3期(2013 / 09 / 01)


125 - 153






Sun Ying-Ao was an important follower of Wang Yang-Ming in Central Guizhou, as well as an outstanding thinker and an educator in the middle and late Ming Dynasty. In history books were left with his immortal and remarkable performance of his official work and also his good reputation. As to the past scholars' studies exploring the researches and works of Sun Ying-Ao, only few of them were worthy of proper reference since this kind of studies is still at a beginning stage. First of all, the paper briefly describes the person of Sun Ying-Ao himself, and also his life story. After that, based on the academic studies of him, the paper synthetically makes comments on his researches and works. Focusing on the topics of his life, philosophy, learning of Yi Jing and educational thinking, the paper makes relevant reviews. The paper finds that the scholars who made studies of Sun Ying Ao, including Zhang Tan, Huang Wen-Shu, Liu Zong-Bi, Liu Han-Zhong, Wang Yu, Wang Qiao-Yi and Ou Duo-Heng, they either cited the original works incompletely, or took insufficient materials about him, or quoted his words inaccurately, or gave too simple or brief elaboration, or even raised some viewpoints that extremely needed to be further discussed. It can be said that there is still much room for development of the studies of Sun Ying-Ao.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
社會科學 > 社會科學綜合
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