Epilepsy is a specific illness with physical, mental and social phenomenon, in wake with the five major features of unpredictable, chronic, myth, stigmatization and concealment. Comparing to those various minorities of disability, gender, ethnicity, sexual orientation, epilepsy is regards as an individual suffering, not social issues, which was concerned by medicine caring, and physiological counseling categories, not sociology. That makes epilepsy becoming as hidden and disadvantaged minority. This paper deeply interviewed 17 persons with epilepsy and other related persons, which argues social realities that persons with epilepsy confronted in the dimensions of objective and subjective separately. In the objective reality, the paper presents the rationalization process in the epilepsy medicine, and emphases the de-myth and de-stigmatization which the cognitive-psychological oriented that epilepsy self-help group reflects. In the subjective reality, the identity management by epilepsy patients and their families who are afraid of being exposed immediately after their diagnosis results in self-stigmatization as a survival strategy. The epilepsy patients' groups fail to adopt politic action since these organizations are mostly led by medical experts, social workers, and hospital management who discouraged the patients to adopt a more assertive role. As they focus on health education and social education, little attention is paid to the issue of how to challenge the social oppression on the people with epilepsy.
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