There are two fundamental critical styles in classical Chinese literature field. One is Emotion-Intention Criticism, and the other is Stylistic Criticism, Six Dynasties. Significantly, Emotion-Intention Criticism has the ontological characteristic. Its prior meaning does not lie in the constructing an objective knowledge framework that can prove right from wrong, but the critics can obtain a subjective viewpoint on "The Effectiveness of Reflexivity Interpretation": through Interpretation, the ancient literati obtain a sense of "Sensuscommunis" with the author, and then address their "Political-Bildung Ideology" in a metaphorical way. It shows the literati’s caring for the value of ‘Being’ and their criticism toward the political and bildung at that time. The Emotion-Intention Criticism indeed has the composition of epistemology, but the significance of ontology outweighs epistemology in terms of importance. Therefore, how we comprehend the meaning of ontology while combining the knowledge construction of epistemology? This should be an important issue we should pay more attention to in further research.