


Differential Governance and Democratic Participation: An Analysis of Trade Adjustment Assistance Employment Policies in Response to Trade Liberalization in Taiwan


李健鴻(Chien-Hung Lee)


貿易調整協助 ; 就業政策 ; 民主參與 ; 差異化治理 ; Trade Adjustment Assistance ; Employment Policies ; Democratic Participation ; Differential Governance




54卷2期(2016 / 06 / 01)


93 - 155






This article explore the policies formation model of trade adjustment assistance employment policies in response to trade liberalization, article also analyze the problems of democratic participation mechanism for workers' group and employers' group in policies formation process in Taiwan. The main finding is that Ministry of Economy constructed the "classification identification framework of industry adjustment assistance measures" were designed in accordance with the "differential governance principle", in the meantime, Ministry of Economy also constructed the administrative examine mechanism that invite employers' group participate but exclude workers' group. Ministry of Labor implemented the trade adjustment assistance employment policies according to the administrative examine classification identification outcomes by Ministry of Economy. As a result, Ministry of Labor implemented an imbalanced participation model between workers group and employers group, it is just the partial representative democracy which derived institutional problems of "identification criteria ignore unemployment" and "worker's apply barriers for employment assistance", resulting in the low employment performance. In the future, the government should formulate a new special law for assistant affected workers and enterprises hat includes two democratic mechanisms in the new special law. Firstly, the balanced participation policies formation model between workers' group and employers group, secondly, the worker's and workers group's application mechanism for employment assistance measures in response to trade liberalization.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
社會科學 > 社會科學綜合
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