


The Arguments and Facts Against "Legalizing Casino Gambling in Designated Tourism Districts"


葉智魁(Chih-Kuei Yeh);顏怡音(I-Yin Yen)


地方發展 ; 離島建設 ; 賭博合法化 ; 社會成本 ; 整合式度假區 ; Regional Development ; Off-shore Island Development ; Gambling Legalization ; Social Costs ; Integrated Resort




54卷3期(2016 / 09 / 01)


35 - 78






This paper discusses whether Taiwan should legalize gambling and allow casinos to be operated in designated tourism districts-- issues having been discussed and debated over the past 2 decades. Various issues have been addressed in the paper including: the rationale of applying designated districts for the development of specific industries; the nature of "Legalizing Casino Gambling in Designated Tourism Districts"; how casinos really operate; and other relevant issues including the possibility and feasibility of adopting gambling businesses to rejuvenate economically depressed regions. This paper is written with the hope that this would clarify what need to be taken into account whenever a critical public policy issue such as "gambling legalization" has been brought up.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
社會科學 > 社會科學綜合
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