In the recent years, academic interest in Eurasian community in Hong Kong, is usually focused on the identity formation and value realization of these Eurasians. Born in a local Eurasia n family, Canon George Samuel Zimmern (1904-1979) can be regarded as a unique case, who was deeply influenced by Chinese and Western cultures. The routine career planning of the Eurasians of his age was usually becoming a professional, merchant or civil servant with a Western lifestyle. However, the humble family background in childhood and the nurture in academic environment made Canon Zimmern's life path after the call to the bar a quite different one, i.e. becoming a social activist, a clergyman and an educator, whose sinicized characteristics were well remembered. After an introduction about his life, this article puts an eye on the records and reports about Canon Zimmern, so as to implore how his self-value was realized in terms of 1) a member of Diocesan Boys’ School, 2) a law practitioner, 3) a social activist and 4) an educator, and how these identities constructed his image of a prominent personage. Then, the attention of this article is drawn to 1) the family background and political orientation, and 2) education experience and social concept of Canon Zimmern, so as to study how the value realization was influenced by his identity formation.
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