The paper focuses on Paul Ricoeur's philosophy. Through his analysis on Augustine's concept of time, Ricoeur introduces the concept of confession, in order to integrate his own idea on the threefold mimesis. Ricoeur develops the total activity of confession in order to develop how to use the idea of time to present that, the confessional metaphor is the main core of the meaning. The paper wants to discuss the relation between confession and the figuring. We wish to apply Ricoeur's thought on the Catholic religious ceremony, language and our attitude on how to use philosophy to be a transformation. Through philosophy, we may obtain certain relation between self and the Sacred. Through Ricoeur's discussion, the paper wishes to provide contemporary philosophy as religious dimension, to settle the total activity of confession as main object, through metaphor and figure, we provide this religious dimension. We wish to provide the new perspective from Ricoeur's idea as one new angle for the research.
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