


Othering Their Suffering: Taiwanese News Discourses Analysis of Philippine Typhoon Haiyan


張春炎(Chun-Yen Chang)


東南亞 ; 中介的遠端受難 ; 他者化 ; 媒體再現 ; 想像的臺菲關係 ; Southeast Asia ; Mediated Distant Suffering ; Othering ; Media Representation ; the Imagined Relationship of Taiwan and Philippines




56卷4期(2018 / 12 / 01)


145 - 193






The main aim of this study is to explore how Taiwanese news discourses construct Philippines as a negative others? By investigating Taiwanese news of Haiyan Typhoon struck the Philippines, this research finds that media representation of Philippines' suffering were a process of othering of Philippines constructs them negative Stereotype and located them in inferior position naturally. Furthermore, news discourses of Philippine suffering as an othering process not only located Philippines in an inferior position but also made Taiwan losing agency to against the othering from core countries. In the conclusion, this study made a suggestion that Taiwanese news should built a people-centered reporting approach to avoid othering Southeast Asian society. It will help Taiwan to establish more friendly imagined relations with neighboring countries in Southeast Asia. In the same time, it will improve Taiwanese' abilities to resist discrimination from others.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
社會科學 > 社會科學綜合
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