


"Persons of Concern" to UNHCR and Human Security in Southeast Asia: A Study on Refugees around the Thailand-Burma Border


蔡育岱(Yu-Tai Ts'ai);李思嫺(Szu-Hsien Lee)


聯合國難民署 ; 關切之人 ; 國際難民 ; 人類安全 ; 泰緬邊境 ; UNHCR ; Persons of Concern ; International Refugees ; Human Security ; Thailand-Burma Border




56卷4期(2018 / 12 / 01)


71 - 97




既使進入21世紀,世界難民問題依然嚴重。敘利亞內戰開始於2011年,截至2016年底造成了約1,200萬難民,當敘利亞衝突仍然方興未艾之時,據「聯合國難民署」估計,約19萬緬甸的羅興亞人,正漂流在泰國、菲律賓和馬來西亞海域,同時約有40萬克倫族人因受政治迫害,居住在泰緬邊境受聯合國與泰國政府保護。在國際法相關難民問題上,根據1951年「關於難民地位公約」和1967年「關於難民地位的議定書」定義,敘利亞難民、緬甸羅興亞人、克倫族人等無庸置疑可被歸類為國際難民,並予以庇護安置。而在人類安全研究中,國際社會所「關切之人」(Persons of Concern)是用來描述「聯合國難民署」所要保護與援助需求的遭難者總稱。「聯合國難民署」將其分類為一般的難民(公約定義)、境內難民、無國籍者、尋求庇護者與歸國難民等。爰本文主要目的先行從「聯合國難民署」定義下的「關切之人」概念分析,涉及東南亞「關切之人」部分,再循「以民為本」(people centered)的人類安全途徑詮釋國際難民議題與東南亞「人的安全」,進而以東南亞泰緬周遭之難民為個案探討,引導出東南亞的國際難民問題正挑戰「東協模式」,考驗著東協的團結;最後藉由東南亞難民問題,能有更深一層的認識與了解東南亞「人的安全」。


Even in the 21st century, the world refugee problem has remained acute. The Syrian civil war that began in 2011 created some 12 million international refugees by late 2016. As the conflict in Syria has continued to unfold, the UNHCR estimates that more than 190,000 people, mostly Rohingya, left on flimsy boats to countries such as Thailand, the Philippines, and Malaysia. Meanwhile, 400,000 Karen people are homeless and protected around the Thailand-Burma border by UN and government of Thailand. The Syrian refugees, Rohingya people, and Karen people fulfilled the requirements to be categorized as a refugee, based on the meaning of refugee in the 1951 Convention Relating to the Status of Refugee and the 1967 Protocol. Hence, the main purpose of this article is to evaluate the definition of "Persons of Concern and its relevance with Southeast Asia. Besides, the aim of the present research is to provide a thorough analysis of the issues of international refugees and Human Security in Southeast Asia underthe "people-centered" approach.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
社會科學 > 社會科學綜合
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