


Return to Psychology: A Reflection on the Development of Psychology of Arts and Literature


潘啟聰(Kai-Chung Poon)


文藝心理學 ; 社會科學 ; 心理學 ; 量化研究 ; 質性研究 ; Psychology of Arts and Literature ; Social Science ; Psychology ; Qualitative Research ; Quantitative Research




57卷2期(2019 / 06 / 01)


201 - 240






This article reviewed the development of psychology of arts and literature in Chinese academia and discovered that it had a flourish development in 1980s to 1990s. However, the trend is slowing down after 2000. There is an increasing number of researchers who show their worries to the development of the discipline for mainly three reasons. First of all, some of them think that the discipline nature of psychology of arts and literature is fuzzy; secondly, some think that the research subject of the discipline is unclear; thirdly, some think that there is not standard methodology for research. With such worries, researchers showed their hesitation towards the future development of the discipline. As a branch in social science, psychology has unique research methods with scientific spirit as the core value. Such essence of psychology is seldom seen in present researches and studies of psychology of arts and literature. Thus, we can say that the potentiality of the discipline is not fully utilized, and it can achieve much more if we could put the discipline onto the right track where it belongs. It is noticeable that present studies in the discipline are strong in the 'arts and literature' part, but weak in the "psychology" part. To rectify this situation, this article intends to reflect on the disciplinary nature, research methodology, and the purposes of study of psychology of arts and literature from a social science point of view.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
社會科學 > 社會科學綜合
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