


From Government and Governance Studies to Transition Research and Risk Governance: Critical Impacts from New Concepts of Systemic Transformation, Technological Changes and Persistent Problems


張國暉(Kuo-Hui Chang)


治理研究 ; 轉型研究 ; 風險治理 ; 複雜系統理論 ; 永續治理 ; Governance Studies ; Transition Research ; Risk Governance ; Complex System Theory ; Sustainability Governance




57卷3期(2019 / 09 / 01)


233 - 285






As a new academic field of governance studies emerged mainly in the 1980s Europe, one of its key contributions attempted to invite important concepts of multi-participation and dynamic power relationship to improve the traditional model of how the government to plan, implement and evaluate public policies. However, several persistent problems, including climate change, global warming and financial crises etc., brought serious challenges to cities, national governments and international organizations. Mainly after 2000, a number of research institutes and polities in Europe such as the Dutch government and European Environmental Agency have worked with think tanks and universities to develop new governance approaches to deal with these persistent problems. They basically shaped two newly emerged academic disciplines of transition research and risk governance, which absorbed not only core ideas from governance studies but also other interdisciplinary fields such as science, technology and society studies, evolutionary economics and complex system theory etc. While both have earned substantial attention and application in policy practice, they also confront some serious critics and challenges. In addition to introduce the academic evolution from governance studies to transition research and risk governance, this research note analyzes of how they respond to the critics and what challenges they might need to deal with in the near future. Moreover, this note takes a potential transition example of motorbike-mobility to explain how to apply transition studies to local cases and makes some policy suggestions.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
社會科學 > 社會科學綜合
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