


Is there an Eurocentrism in Max Weber's Protestant Ethics? What is the Key Concept of Protestant Ethics?


林錚(Cheng Lin)


入世禁慾 ; 西方中心主義 ; 拒絕神化被造物 ; 資本主義精神 ; 新教倫理 ; Worldly asceticism ; Eurocentrism ; Refusal of the idolatry ; Spirit of capitalism ; Protestant ethics




59卷2期(2021 / 06 / 01)


89 - 137






Weber has not shaken off yet the criticism of Eurocentrism. This is chiefly concerned with his most famous research, The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism. For most readers he hints at the superiority of the West. The question we are interested in is not whether Weber holds Eurocentric beliefs, because we have reason to believe that he is not. Rather, how could his study of Protestantism is regarded as a Eurocentric interpretation? This relates to the reception of thought. From the difference between Luther's and Calvin's teachings mentioned by Weber himself, peers who misunderstand Weber and the French interpretation of Protestant Ethics, these cases show that the gap in ideas effectively distorts the communication between Weber and his readers. Not at all as we usually think, the worldly asceticism is not the key to opening the Protestant ethics, but the principle of refusal of the idolatry. This principle which is not noticed for a long time, allows the Puritan who focus on his own salvation to know how to live properly and thus be related to the spirit of capitalism. Weber can indeed describe Puritan ethics as unique; especially this ethics can reject other Protestant denominations because of blasphemy. In other words, the overemphasis on the concept of "worldly asceticism" inevitably prevents us from realizing that Weber personally prefers another concept, he will inevitably be regarded as a Eurocentrist.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
社會科學 > 社會科學綜合
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