


The Great Divergence: The Debate and Fission of the Family Rituals Studies in the 13th Century


楊逸(Yi, Yang)


十三世紀 ; 四禮 ; 《家禮》 ; 分流 ; 朱熹 ; 13 Century ; Four-ritual Theory ; Family Rituals ; Divergence ; Zhu Xi




59卷4期(2021 / 12 / 01)


1 - 52






In the Chinese history of four-ritual theory, 13 century was a critical period with argument and fission. This period canbe divided into three parts. The first, 1200-1220, was a differentiation period of the Chu's school. With a great effort on biography and Li book, Huang Gan reconstruct the master's theory on Li, and also a new school. In the new system, the Family Rituals was abandoned. However, Chen Chun, another prominent follower, tried his best to collect, study and rewrite this book. The meaning of Li was the most important principle, not the process. The second, 1221-1250, was a period of the Family Rituals , with argument and fission. Yang Fu, Huang's follower, wrote A Interpretation of the Family Rituals. A lot of methods, like interpretation, supplement and rifacimento, were used in the book, changing the original document to suit ancient Li. On the other side, Zhou Fu insisted the Family Rituals and ancient Li were valuable and parallel texts. With abbreviation and adaptation, Zhou's book destructed Yang's theory, establishing independent value of four-ritual theory. The third, 1251-1300, was a deeper differentiation period. Beishan school strengthened characteristics of restoring ancient Li. As the only principle, Li book was put into practice. But in the Genus-books, the Family Rituals was involuted into the folk custom. Throughout the history of Li, the great divergence on this period heralded other ritual revolution in the Ming and Qing Dynasty.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
社會科學 > 社會科學綜合
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