


The Gamblers and Where to Find Them: A Case Study of the Novels by Macau Writer Tai-Pei


留婷婷(Teng-Teng Lao)


太皮 ; 澳門文學 ; 綠氈上的囚徒 ; 殺戮的立場 ; 賭徒 ; Tai-Pei ; Macau literature ; Prisoners on the Green Blanket ; The Position of Killing ; gambler




61卷1期(2023 / 03 / 01)


118 - 166






Macau is a well-known gambling city, but how Macau writers represent gambling by their works, this has always been a place where the probe lamp of literary research has not yet illuminated. According to that, this article will take two novels of Macau writer Tai-Pei, namely Prisoners on the Green Blanket (2011) and The Position of Killing (2017) as the starting point for reading and understanding. In order to disassemble and to interpret these two novels comparatively, several theoretical tools will be discourse during the process of analysis, such as Cognitive Behavior theory, Psychoanalysis, the metaphors of illness and space and so on. In terms of specific operations, this paper will first clarify the definitions of "gambling", "gambling addiction" and "gambler" separately, and then to explore the mutual relationships between these three. On the one hand, in the text of Prisoners on the Green Blanket, the truth that gamblers with different gender, class and ethnic group but sharing the same destiny will be point out. Those gamblers are all dissatisfied with the current environment but not able to change it, thus the only thing they can do is to endure like a prisoner. On the other hand, the martial arts novel The Position of Killing is regarded as the meaningful equivalent of Prisoners on the Green Blanket: the fictional place "Jing-Cheng/capital city" alludes to "Macau/ gambling city" of the real world, and the misogynistic thug of Jing-Cheng is also regarded as a mirror reflection of "gambler" in Macau. After all of this, what we can see in the mourning journey of Tai-Pei are the changes of time/ space, and the remains of madness, illness and the inscription of tragedy. These two fictions are both deeply relevant to the reality, therefore they are something more than just fictions.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
社會科學 > 社會科學綜合
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